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LA Decompression 2012
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LA Decompression 2012
From: Somazulu Sun Jan 27 02:13:37 2013
reactor, it means reactor. I wedenrod if this squared with what you knew of reactor conditions from releases because well I just thought that ponds had bigger water level issues. I assumed fuel rods were covered in the reactor but keeping them covered was a battle because of leaks. I've heard coworkers say this condition reactor fuel uncovered and coolant still leaking means a longer time table than TEPCO projects. And I wedenrod how all of us non-rad tech types were straying with this info so I knew I needed to consult a Wormme.
From: Somazulu Sun Jan 27 02:13:38 2013
reactor, it means reactor. I wedenrod if this squared with what you knew of reactor conditions from releases because well I just thought that ponds had bigger water level issues. I assumed fuel rods were covered in the reactor but keeping them covered was a battle because of leaks. I've heard coworkers say this condition reactor fuel uncovered and coolant still leaking means a longer time table than TEPCO projects. And I wedenrod how all of us non-rad tech types were straying with this info so I knew I needed to consult a Wormme.
From: Fabricio Sat Jan 26 15:28:24 2013
Can't wait to get my hands on this book! Love each one of the characters love the inhigst into the military those special people sacrificing for our country! I am so glad I discovered your books what will your next series be? Keep on writing and I will keep on reading!
From: Fabricio Sat Jan 26 15:28:26 2013
Can't wait to get my hands on this book! Love each one of the characters love the inhigst into the military those special people sacrificing for our country! I am so glad I discovered your books what will your next series be? Keep on writing and I will keep on reading!
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LA Decompression 2012