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Nocturnal 2011
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Nocturnal 2011
From: Jazlynn Sun Nov 6 13:32:59 2011
I'll try to put this to good use immeidately.
From: Jazlynn Sun Nov 6 13:32:59 2011
I'll try to put this to good use immeidately.
From: Danish Sun May 27 00:56:25 2012
I think that no-one is really elnerity the person that they want to be. We can all aspire to being the person we want to be without letting that become too important. We should be happy being the person we are, but equally continue to work towards becoming who we want to be. Bearing in mind that we are just one person, we can aim to improve or change certain of our aspects/traits but we have to remember that we cannot become an elnerity new person, created out of our (sometimes ridiculous) aspirations. And then of course there is the difference between who we want to be and what we want to be.
From: Danish Sun May 27 00:56:26 2012
I think that no-one is really elnerity the person that they want to be. We can all aspire to being the person we want to be without letting that become too important. We should be happy being the person we are, but equally continue to work towards becoming who we want to be. Bearing in mind that we are just one person, we can aim to improve or change certain of our aspects/traits but we have to remember that we cannot become an elnerity new person, created out of our (sometimes ridiculous) aspirations. And then of course there is the difference between who we want to be and what we want to be.
From: Arry Sun Nov 6 12:37:21 2011
Dude, right on there borther.
From: Arry Sun Nov 6 12:37:23 2011
Dude, right on there borther.
From: Billybob Sun Nov 6 13:23:26 2011
It's about time soemnoe wrote about this.
From: Billybob Sun Nov 6 13:23:26 2011
It's about time soemnoe wrote about this.
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Nocturnal 2011