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From: Anonymous (Wed Mar 24 02:02:15 2010)
From: Bella Boombox (Wed Mar 24 17:44:02 2010)
I fucking love this
From: Josh (admin) (Wed Mar 24 17:50:02 2010)
Me too... I think he was imitating the bunny
From: Elin (Sat Jan 26 23:32:24 2013)
that the fu used to be a hu at one point, a long time ago and the slurring of words over, lielratly, many centuries eventually turned the hu into a fu) and the S row having sa, shi, su, se, so. The shi turns into ji with the ten-ten next to it, which are two short strokes on the right side of the hiragana/katakana letter. The other is the so called maru, which is exactly that, a small circle. The ten-ten (there are other names for it, which I can't remember ad hoc) is used for the T, S, K and H row. While the maru appears for the H row. What they do i: the ten-ten softens it. A ta with ten-ten turns into da . A fu with ten-ten turns into bu . A fu with maru turns into pu .Enough ranting.
From: Elin (Sat Jan 26 23:32:26 2013)
that the fu used to be a hu at one point, a long time ago and the slurring of words over, lielratly, many centuries eventually turned the hu into a fu) and the S row having sa, shi, su, se, so. The shi turns into ji with the ten-ten next to it, which are two short strokes on the right side of the hiragana/katakana letter. The other is the so called maru, which is exactly that, a small circle. The ten-ten (there are other names for it, which I can't remember ad hoc) is used for the T, S, K and H row. While the maru appears for the H row. What they do i: the ten-ten softens it. A ta with ten-ten turns into da . A fu with ten-ten turns into bu . A fu with maru turns into pu .Enough ranting.
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