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@mashable's @benparr

@mashable's @benparr

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From: klaus von tinki (Fri Oct 30 00:57:09 2009)
I think the Ben Parr, he very good to say nice the twitter of this doing, is thing yes he say well good. I want to say thing well, but Ben he nice mans.
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Stunning cello performance by @petergregson @staceysoleil @ozsultan @TheACY @mashable's @doctorparadox and @benparr with ?? and ?? IMG_2965.jpg @heathermeeker with @hennartonline with one more (leave a comment! @mashable's @benparr @jeffpulver with... @jeffpulver @ohdoctah with... @drew urging the crowd to actually connect to people IMG_2842.jpg
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