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Techzulu's @nrek who, coincidentally, is not asian

(funny story... check @acoolong's stream ;) )

Techzulu's @nrek who, coincidentally, is not asian

(funny story... check @acoolong's stream ;) )

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Stunning cello performance by @petergregson @ohdoctah showing @alanweinkrantz the path to real connection during @drew's presentation! @seanpercival and @laweekly during their panel with @alexiatsotsis (@sfweekly) Tweet! IMG_2393.jpg Techzulu's @nrek who, coincidentally, is not asian

(funny story... check @acoolong's stream ;) ) @laweekly and @sfweekly (@alexiatsotsis) having a few laughs while informing the world @adventuregirl @marshacollier and @wmmarc @jeffpulver and @mashable's @benparr IMG_2842.jpg
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Gallery: Josh's online web gallery! navigate UP Album: CuriousJosh Photography navigate UP Album: Conferences navigate UP Album: 140conf navigate UP (accesskey 'U')
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